Emergency line (for OLM only): 908-876-4395
The Columbiettes are an international organization of Catholic women presently established in the United States and Canada.
Our organization was founded in 1939 by Margaret Mary J. Mangan, who later became the first Supreme President; Past Faithful Navigator John Leo Coyle and Past Grand Knight Charles P. Maruca under the inspiration of Msgr. J. Francis McIntyre, then Chaplain of the New York Chapter Knights of Columbus, later became J. Francis Cardinal McIntyre of Los Angeles and was established to form Catholic Women's Auxiliaries to be affiliated with and support the Knights of Columbus.
To our founders, we dedicate ourselves to doing God's work on Earth, promoting unity, Christ's love for each of us, and zeal to serve God through Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Attention High School Seniors: Long Valley Columbiettes Scholarship application may be found on the Columbiette website.
Any questions, please call Marge Sanders at 908-852-3091