Emergency line (for OLM only): 908-876-4395
Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic cemetery is consecrated to mark that history, that presence, the very person God will always know, but others often forget. When we visit, look, read, and pause to pray, one who is beloved of God tells his or her story once again.
---Our Lady of the Mountain cemetery carry out the sacred duty of providing a dignified Christian burial for all of our beloved faithful departed.
For we are buried together with Him by baptism into death; that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection. - Romans 6:4-5
When we are baptized, we are brought to a sacred place, a Catholic church, and baptized into the mystery of Christ's death and resurrection - thus giving us the promise of eternal life. When one of our loved ones die, we take them to another sacred place, a Catholic cemetery, for burial in sacred ground while they await the resurrection of the dead and the promise of eternal life.
Since death is a natural part of life, it is only fitting that the Catholic Church be present at the time of death. Death as seen through the eyes of a Christian is not the end; it is simply a natural passageway to a changed life with God. Burial in a Catholic cemetery is a statement of continued belief in that everlasting life, even in death.
Cemeteries hold the earthly remains of our family members and friends who have shared their love, fellowship and faith with us. A grave in a Catholic cemetery is also a sign of hope in God and His promise of everlasting life.